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What does this family need?

Forging Understanding through a Relational Approach to Supporting Families and Addressing Root Causes of their Needs

 Through anti-oppressive and healing-centred approaches, our training is designed to build the awareness and capacity of organizers and organizations to address the structural barriers to health equity for youth affected by the stigma of a parent's substance use, and their parents. Through an intersectional lens, our training informs participants of new ways of understanding intergenerational risk to families, empowering participants to better identify and address the root causes of harm. Through evidence-informed and peer-identified insights and tools, practitioners are equipped not only with the wisdom but also the stories to disrupt the intergenerational effects of substance use stigma while rebuilding the trust families have with practitioners.

Trauma-Informed Approaches to Disrupting Intergenerational Consequences of Stigma

Half Day or Full Day

1 in 5 youth grow up with parental substance use challenges, placing them at double to triple the risk for substance use challenges, poor mental health, and suicide.  To understand this risk, however, we must understand the home and community environment the child is being raised in, and how we can remove structural barriers that prevent youth and their parents from accessing support. Full day sessions include Indigenous Focused Orientated Approaches


What to expect:

  • Learning through a relational view of health and healing, utilizing a trauma-responsive & healing centred lens


  • Compassionate exploration as you reflect on the biases and assumptions that impact the supports a family has access to, while reflecting on real life stories of individuals who have been affected by substance use stigma.


  • Empowerment as you gain new tools, resources, and skills to put compassion into action towards youth affected by the stress and stigma of a parent's substance use.

What Participants Say:

Such a compassionate approach towards a difficult and under discussed topic. I learned so much today despite my years of working in the youth development sector. Thank you.

Workshop Participant, Kids Health Link

 Getting to the Root of ACEs

Over the past three decades, research on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) has gained widespread recognition, connecting parental substance use to adverse health outcomes in children. While evidence shows an intricate relationship between parental SUDs, ACEs, and the resulting harm and vulnerability in youth, the reasoning used to establish this underlying assumption of the ACE questionnaire does not acknowledge or address root causes. This 2-hour training will contextualize ACEs from the lens of parental substance use and the intersecting challenges youth and their parents face.

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Lunch N' Learn

Book a 1-hour lunch n' learn where we share the basics of how stigma impacts youth whose parents have substance use challenges, and trauma-informed considerations when engaging with impacted youth.

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