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Image by Pawel Czerwinski

Meet your Peer Facilitator

Hi It's me again;) I'm Agnes.
Rebecca Foshole-Luke-015_edited_edited_e

Week 2 Goal:

Deep breaths as we dive into our stress response: how it impacts our relationships with self and others, how it is a signal of potential harm, and how we can identify and cope with triggers
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"We are born in relationship, wounded in relationship, and healed in relationship".


Harville Hendrix.

Week 2 Heart Work

Advocacy happens within relationships, and this week we will explore how we can strengthen our inner advocate by reflecting on how childhood stress can impact our emotions, behaviours, and relationships, and ways we can get through it.​

Inner child.png


For the next session, think about these lyrics by India Arie and what you need to be able to step out in strength, courage, and wisdom (recognizing that you are already doing it:). Click here to listen to the song.

Inside my head there lives a dream that I wanna see in the sun
Behind my eyes there lives a me that I've been hiding for much too long
'Cause I've been, too afraid to let it show
'Cause I'm scared of the judgment that may follow
Always putting off my living for tomorrow
It's time to step out on faith, I've gotta show my face
It's been elusive for so long, but freedom is mine today
I've gotta step out on faith, It's time to show my face
Procrastination had me down but look what I have found, I found

Strength, courage, and wisdom
And it's been inside of me all along
Strength, courage, and wisdom
Inside of me

How might stress affect your ability to use your strength, courage, and wisdom?


Watch this short video and consider:

  • How much stress might you be carrying?

  • How might this stress impact your emotions, behaviours, relationships, and dreams?

  • What are your needs that can help lessen your stress load? Note: we do recognize that there are some stressful things in life we can't let down (yet). 



In groups (link below), write down: what is the world you envision, whether it is for the next hour, the next day or the next generation ?

This form will be the template for drafting your story that you will share with the group in session 8-that vision or dream that will guide you through to the next hour/day/ year.


In groups (link below) write down your vision. You can start with the statement, " I hope/ envision/ dream/ of a world where.........." . It can be as vague or specific as you like. Who is it for? What does it look like? What does it feel like?  Add your reply to my (Agnes') response in groups.


NOTE: to join the group you must become a site member (click link below) and then request permission to join the group in groups. 

What's coming?

Guest workshop hosts/ peer mentors

So excited to have Mimi Moffie creating our group story illustration at the end. Everyone who participates will have a copy mailed to them at the end of the program. Learn about Mimi on her socials here. 

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